Helsinki Shipyard supplier code of conduct

Helsinki Shipyard aims at building long-term supplier relationships that are based on trust and good business practices throughout the whole chain.

Helsinki Shipyard expects its suppliers to comply with the following principles:

1. Law

1.1 The supplier shall follow applicable local and international laws, rules and agreements.

2. Ethics

2.1 The supplier shall follow the labour legislation.

2.2 Suppliers shall not approve of bribery or corruption.

3. Workforce

3.1. Human rights and discrimination

The supplier shall respect and support human rights. In its activities the supplier shall not allow any discrimination or bullying and harassment regarding age, gender, religion, nationality, class, political opinion or sexual orientation.

3.2. Salary and working conditions requirements

The supplier shall not use child or forced labour. The supplier pays all its employees at least the minimum wage according to the law or applicable collective agreement. Working hours must comply with the requirements of law or applicable collective agreement. The suppliershall follow the applicable work permit practices and employee qualification requirements. Supplier’s employees shall have the right to freedom of association as well as the right to form or join a professional union.

3.3. Occupational health and safety

The supplier shall commit to comply with general and Helsinki Shipyard’s own occupational safety rules and instructions and ensure the sufficient training and guidance for its employees.

4. Environment

4.1 The supplier shall follow the laws and regulations on environmental protection and ensure compliance with the relevant permits and permit terms.

4.2 The supplier shall aim at promotion of the efficient use of materials, raw materials, energy and natural resources and minimize the amount of waste and carbon footprint. The suppliershall aim to ensure reduction and prevention of emissions.  

4.3 The supplier shall contribute to cleanliness in such a manner that safety and environmental protection requirements are met.

5. Supply chain management and transparency

Helsinki Shipyard requires its suppliers to provide transparency throughout the whole supply chain. Helsinki Shipyard selects its suppliers on an equal basis through competitive tendering, and requires the same principle to be used by suppliers when selecting their own suppliers. Code of conduct shall be in line with requirements of Helsinki Shipyard.

The supplier shall not have the right to chain deliveries without the written consent of Helsinki Shipyard. In case the consent is issued, it shall be ensured that the used suppliers and sub-contractors comply with the same principles all the way to the origin.  Any violation of these principles must be reported to Helsinki Shipyard immediately.

Helsinki Shipyard shall have the right to carry out supervision in order to ensure compliance with the code of conduct.

Suppliers of Helsinki Shipyard and other parties of the contract must comply with the European Union Data Protection Regulation (2016/679). Proceedings contrary to the Regulation shall be considered as breach of contract, in which case the contract party is obliged to compensate Helsinki Shipyard for any caused damage.  

By the contract between Helsinki Shipyard and the supplier, the supplier undertakes to comply with this code of conduct and to follow the instructions and regulations provided on the base of the contract. In the event of breach of the code of conduct, Helsinki Shipyard shall have the right to terminate the contract.